Last August, we ran a story about a Snellville councilwoman who voted to deny citizens the ability to vote on whether they wanted a referendum on the ballot in last November’s election. That referendum was to allow citizens to vote yes or no on whether they wanted to allow package (liquor) stores in the city. Five other council members voted in favor of enabling citizens to vote on the matter.
With city elections coming up next month, and early voting starting next week, we thought it was appropriate to remind Snellville voters that candidate Solange Destang who is running for reelection voted AGAINST citizens being able to vote. As can be seen in the video below, even after being told that she was voting on a referendum to allow the citizens to vote for or against the city accepting applications for opening a package store, she voted to deny citizens the right to vote.
I was present when this occurred. This is an example of somnambulant leadership. That may seem oxymoronic but truly describes what one sees here. This Councilperson makes decisions based on the whims of someone who does not live in our community.