Georgia News Daily Endorses Rob Woodall

Congressman Rob Woodall

To borrow a line we’ve used previously, “the difference between Congressman Rob Woodall and his opponent is that Woodall has done it, his opponent “is gonna”. That isn’t meant to imply that a novice is categorically inferior, only that Woodall has served residents of the 7th Congressional District extremely well. In so doing, he has also achieved a status in Congress that will enable him to achieve more for the district, and the country, in the future. As a member of the Transportation, Rules and Budget committees, and Chairman of the Rules Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process, Woodall is a strong voice for the priorities and concerns of his constituents.

Woodall is also one of four Republicans appointed to the Joint Select Committee on Budget Process Reform. This bipartisan, House-Senate select committee is charged with pursuing reforms to the budget and appropriations process

Another factor that influenced our endorsement is Woodall’s accessibility and willingness to help constituents. Every time we have attended an event at which Woodall was present, we’ve witnessed people thanking him for his (or his office’s) assistance resolving a particular issue. Many of these people were military veterans who thanked Woodall for his help in enabling them to receive proper treatment from the Department Veterans Affairs (VA).

Although Woodall is an unabashed conservative, he has been accused of  not being conservative enough. From our perspective, that is a myopic point of view. Voting “No” on every bill that isn’t fully aligned with a particular political philosophy is a recipe for ineffectiveness. Frequently, especially in the current congressional environment, the only means of getting one piece of legislation considered and passed, is to vote for a bill with which you don’t fully agree. If you think Congress doesn’t operate on a quid pro quo basis, you’re deceiving yourself. Woodall understands the system and has consequently been able to navigate it to the benefit of his district.

Certainly, voters who think their Congressman should vote “No”, based strictly on the basis of political philosophy, will not be in the Woodall camp. They will no doubt choose a candidate who will say all the things with which they agree, but if elected, will be almost completely ineffective.

If the  7th Congressional District is to continue to have strong representation, Rob Woodall is the only choice.