By Kenneth Stepp
I love art. To me, artists have a different way they see the world. I found a photo of a tornado on a road making its way somewhere. It was a beautiful photo and powerful as well. Many of my readers know who Rhonda is. She is a talented artist and I have encouraged her to paint in oils and paint what I named, emotional art. Today we spoke of the painting of the tornado. We both, “felt it” when I mentioned what to paint into the story.
Standing in the path of this ominous whirlwind will be two people. A man in a long tailed black tuxedo and a woman in a long white wedding dress. You see, they just got married. And the storm is coming right towards them. Many would scatter in fear and run to save themselves. In my vision they stand together. They stand no matter what comes. And in any partnership, storms always come.
I write about my mom and dad a lot. They were my heroes in life. My dad remained that till the day he died back in 2012. My mom is still sharp and healthy and lives alone in her house on the family farm in Shelbyville Kentucky. My brothers both have nice houses there too. The farm is on a lake, 55 acres of heaven if you ask me. I try to visit every other month.
Mom and dad withstood many storms and always did it together. They took a stand but always with 4 feet on the ground, never two. When raising us three boys I can remember many nights when my dad would work all day and come home to lay under a car and change someone’s transmission out for the extra money needed to feed us. Mom didn’t mind holding the flashlight if need be.
I look at people today and I feel sorry for so many. Lost in a self centered world, hoping to find that kind of love again. I’ve been single almost 8 years. Trust me when I tell you, it’s rare. So so rare. When they were married, whatever comes, was expected.
They grew up in West Virginia, coal miners and mountains. Life was hard. You got free coal for heat if you worked for the mines. I remember the sound of fresh coal dropping in the stove in the middle of the night when the house started cooling down.
How does a person find this kind of commitment? I wish I knew the answer. Many of my friends and readers would love to know. Determination, grit, oneness, and knowing you were partners for life. I’m certain these things were in the mix. Today, the ease of finding others has deteriorated some of these in many people.
I don’t have all the answers but I do know that living a life online will dull your senses to so many things required to be in a lasting relationship like my parents had. Sure, it’s fun to scroll through life. Many social media apps make it easy to meet people we may have an interest in. But at what cost? What if we begin to have deeper relationships online than in person. I’ve watched this play out too many times.
Who you think someone is based only knowing them digitally is always wrong. If someone thinks they know me based on what I post, well, they really don’t. We know what someone wants us to know, nothing more. And with filters, we couldn’t pick them out of a crowd.
Real is rare. I’ve heard that so many times. You have to be real to find real. And being real is riddled with risk and uncertainty. On that note, to be in a relationship where no matter what comes, we’re in this hand in hand, four feet standing as the storm nears. Whatever happens, happens to us both. This is rarer than anything but attainable. Be that person. Be like that to attract that.
Storms will come. They will arrive whether you have someone by your side or must stand alone. I will strive to evolve into the kind of man my father was. That’s how it’s done and that’s what or who I want to be. Speak truth, love with all you have, and if someone loves you back… Make it work.