Becoming Yours

By Kenneth Stepp

I wait patiently as I am becoming. I am not a quitter, but I am here to surrender. You wait, you want, you gently wait for me to become yours

Wholly owned by you will be my heart. Postured in surrender position, I will belong to you, I will no longer be mine, I am ours, I am becoming us

My heart is becoming your heart, totally belonging to you alone. I feel it every day, I sense my mind, my body, my inner me bowing to you. I will be yours

I will be an offering to you alone, I’m all I have to give, I am all I have and I am becoming completely yours. You are part of me, I will be lost in you

Acceptance will come. I pray, to hand my heart to you and I pray it will be accepted by you, this is the only thing that will matter. I can’t be good enough yet will be through grace, you are grace

Will you take me? Accept me? Heart in hand, my eyes on you. How do I get from here to there, from here to you? Draw me, you are all there is, my heart is void apart from yours

This desert has been dry and without life. I never belonged here, I walked on this sandy road willingly, I belong elsewhere, I belong with you

The sun is bright and beats me down daily. Yet I am now walking towards a beautiful cloud, just over the next hill. You are there, like water to my dry skin, I am drawn there to be with you

I am near, my journey is almost complete. Becoming has been hard, becoming is not an easy path, but becoming burns inside of me. Becoming yours is all that matters

Will you know me?