Ms Thompson sat with GND’s own, Rob Smith, to take questions about her candidacy, her thoughts, and her vision for her home town.
Q: Why should I vote for Cindy?
I feel confident that the community will vote for me because I am simply the most qualified. I’ve shown a real desire to make a difference for the City of Austell.
Q: What are your priorities after you win?
Some of my top priorities are public safety, revitalization and clean up via code enforcement.
Q: What is your favorite thing about your town?
That’s an easy question for me, my favorite thing about Austell is the people. I’ve met so many long term and newer families as I’ve been out campaigning. Their hope for this city and their neighborhood’s has energized me more everyday.
Q: Are you from here?
I was born and raised in Macon area. I have been in Atlanta for 5 years and in Austell particularly for 4. I’m a homeowner and will one day retire in Austell.
Q: Will you be watching the votes coming in?
I’ll be watching the votes come in with family and friends at a small local restaurant near downtown, La Salsa Mexican. Owned by Mark Hernandez and Donna Villanueva. Mark, Donna and all the “regulars” have supported me since day one!
Q: What field do you work in?
I am a Consultant for Dental Management Advisors. I am currently managing six surgery centers that produce over 10 million annually. I am also a former owner of two restaurants.
Q: What will your city manager do?
My city manager will work closely with department heads and our city council on a day to day operations as well as plans and projects to continually improve and grow Austell. This interaction will be relayed to me as we make joint decisions on what is best and what is priority for Austell and its citizens.
Thank you for sitting down with us and being so candid. I believe Austell may have its first woman mayor soon. Good luck Tuesday night.