ANTIFA Antidote

Antifa, the group that destroys property and tramples on individual rights whenever it can, paradoxically claims to be anti-fascist. Currently using the black lives matter movement for cover, Antifa operatives have had free reign in cities like Seattle, and Portland, Oregon. But when they showed up at the annual motorcycle rally in Sturgis, SD, ANTIFA got a dose of its own medicine.

Police moved in quickly to diffuse a potentially violent situation. Apparently, the ANTIFA folks hadn’t figured out that a gathering of motorcyclists is no place to spout anti-American propaganda. When one demonstrator got into a shoving match, police took him to the ground, handcuffed him and led him away. Had they not, he would undoubtedly ended up with serious injuries. Police also escorted the remaining protesters away from the event. (Click the link for video)

Although the image most people have of Harley-Davidson riders tends towards the Hell’s Angels types, the reality is that Harley riders come from a variety socio-economic groups. The one thing they have in common is a love and respect for this country. And since there are some bad-asses in the Harley-Davidson riders group, they have no problem taking on anti-American trouble-makers. If your community is being threatened by ANTIFA, host a motorcycle rally.