Single Again… Now I Know It’s Love

By Kenneth Stepp


I know it’s love because your happiness is more important than mine


I know it’s love because I want you safe, safe without me


I know it’s love because I want you to find love no matter where it is


I know it’s love because every time I think of you I smile


I know it’s love because I know you inside and out yet see no flaws


I know it’s love because I am your cheerleader in all things big or small


I know it’s love because I want what’s best for you, even though it isn’t me


I know it’s love because I know what love is. Love has no jealousy or control


I know it’s love because you taught me what love is. I am forever grateful


You stand strong and above all others by nature, not choice. You are part of what is good in this world. You give more than you take and love far beyond what most could imagine. Because of you, I know it’s love